Elevated chiropractic care focused on function and wholeness of self. At ORA, you are empowered to feel better, move better and live better.

Here is what you can expect…


Initial Consultation

On day 1 of your journey, we discover what health challenges you are facing through an in-depth consultation discussing your history and based on what we discuss, we carry out an assessment. We aim to get to the root cause of what is going on.

Plan of Care Review

On day 2, we take time to go through your individualised plan of care. We review your assessment including your digital posture analysis, movement patterns and spinal joint mobility. From here, we begin your plan of care to help you reach your goals.

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic adjustments help with the process of creating a change within the body, getting you back to doing the things you enjoy most in life.

Check In

We perform a halfway check-in where we review your progress by re-assessing where we are at in your journey.

113 Dunraven Street,
CF40 1AS

T: 01443 260966
E: hello@ora-chiropractic.co.uk

Opening Hours

Monday & Tuesday: 10AM-7PM
Wednesday: 3PM-7PM
Thursday: 10AM-2PM
Friday: Closed
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
Special Offer

Initial Discovery Consultation
For New Practice Members

After booking your appointment you will be sent an email with info regarding your appointment along with a form to fill in. Please fill in the form and arrive 15 minutes prior.

Looking forward to seeing you at ORA CHIROPRACTIC!

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