Harrogate / VIP Dining / Sasso Restaurant

Sasso Restaurant

Sasso Restaurant, Harrogate

Sasso Restaurant, 8-10 Princes Square, Harrogate, HG1 1LX

About Sasso Restaurant

Opened in 1998, we named the Restaurant after Stefano’s the home town. Sasso Marconi is a small town just outside Bologna in the Emilia Romagna Region of Italy. Emilia Romagna has a rich culinary tradition and is considered by many Italians to be the heart of  Italian cooking; Bologna is famous for its fresh egg pasta, Tortellini and tagliatelle being just a couple of their key pasta dishes. Stefano uses specially imported Italian eggs in his fresh pasta giving it great colour and extra flavour. Also in the Emilia Romagna Region, Parma produces the world famous Parma Ham. All pork products play such an important role this Region’s cuisine: Mortadella, sausage and pancetta to name just a few, which is why you will see them strongly represented on our menu. Another town in Emilia Romagna, Reggio Emilia is home to the wonderful Grana Padana Parmesan cheese. Make sure you try some freshly grated on your pasta/risotto dishes, it adds another dimension to the flavour. Modena, whilst being where the fabulous Ferrari produce their cars is also where Balsamic vinegar is produced and Stefano not only uses it in his salad dressings but often features it as a key balancing ingredient in his dishes.

We hope this has given you a little ‘taste’ of where our dishes come from and hope you will try them for yourself soon!

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